Give Bug a Warm Hug!

Kimchi is a passe now, Insect is the new side dish.
Entomography that is insect-eating is not a new thing to the world. it has been there since ages. In this, South Korea, is not an exception, here, boiled silky worm pupae, or beondegi, are a popular snack already.
Insect Food- Has a History
Koreans have loved insects in thier food in the past as well. Eating boiled “Wolnam Beolle” or “Vietnam Beetle” or “Grilled Grasshopper”. Boiled silk worms are still ruleing the streets of Korea even today as they are believed to be super healthy because of the high content of protine.
Insects Creating Global Business
This age old food habbits of Koreans is grabbing the interest of business mughuls of South Korea. Now they are planning to expand the insect industry by promoting more consumption. From opening new fancy resturants in Korea to intrducing new hi-end insect dishes in the menu is the part of the plan. Coockies, Ice-creams, Buns, Cakes, Muffins, Pies and more it was in 2016 when Korea has it first Insect Resturant.
Globally, around 1,900 spivces of insects are edible and around 2 billions people relish them.
An Ecofriendly Alternative to Meat
Full of nutrients like protein, iron and vitamins, and both cost-efficient and environmentally friendly to harvest, insects just might provide the perfect alternative to meat — were it not for the fact that they’re, well, insects.